Saturday 25 June 2011

My Dream....

Every person who has been living in this world have a dream,As well as me....

My dream is to be a successful man...

Grab and collect as much as I can
reach on top of the ladder and excel
Although sometimes dreams do not come true,I keep Hoping,Praying and Trying because I realize that dream not only closed my eyes and make a wish and dream would be come true...

To achieve it,Hard work is what I need,
Along with strengthening and determination's deed.
Because success is not always chance or luck,
And it cannot be just purchased with some buck.

Even though some people say I'm stuck in this place,
and I'll never go anywhere,
but in my dreams I've already been there,
I'll keep dreaming as life passes me by,
I think my dreams keep me sane.

I believe that....
 success is a journey not a destination a year fromAnd i have to started to reach it today,Coz every begginer is winner.
There is no success without sacrifice.
Great success always calls for great sacrifice.
Even failure can become an important ingredient to success.
Failure just means that I have not yet succeeded

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